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ACC Communication: Contract variations related to MECA settlement

31 Oct 2022 3:00 PM | Rachelle Martin (Administrator)

Last week ACC communicated with organisations who held contracts with them, advising them of rate increases ACC is applying following the Allied Health MECA settlement earlier this year.  A copy of the communication is below.  

If you have any questions please contact your ACC Portfolio Advisor, or Engagement and Performance Manager.  

Kia ora koutou, 

As you’ll be aware, in June a Multi-Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) was settled for Allied Health professionals. Next week we’ll issue you with contract variations including rate increases to reflect this.  

We’ve applied the MECA increase to the Allied Health worker pay band component of the relevant service codes in your contract. This is in addition to any increases provided within the last year, prior to the signing of the MECA.  

Each service code is made up of several components (e.g., pay bands, public holidays, administration, and overheads). The increase has been applied to the Allied Health worker wage components only.  

Some contracts will also receive increases related to other changes, including staff sick leave allowances and the Matariki public holiday, other relevant MECA settlements, and to allow for general inflation, where these changes have not been allowed for in previous variations. This means you’ll see different increases depending on which contract(s) you hold with us. 

Variations will be provided for the following contracts: 

Allied Health Services – Hand Therapy 

Allied Health Services – Physiotherapy services  

Allied Health Services – Podiatry 

Artificial Limb Services 

Burn & Scar Management 

Concussion Services 

Concussion – Secondary Proof of Concept 

Functional Capacity Evaluation  

Home and Community Support Services – Integrated (IHCS) 

Initial Occupational Assessment  

ISSC – Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims 

Living My Service 

Non-Acute Rehabilitation 

Non-Acute Rehabilitation Pathways  

Orthotist Services  

Pain Management Services 

Residential Support Services 

Services for the Blind/Visual Rehab Service 

Soc Rehab Asses - Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment 

Soc Rehab Asses - Specialised Assistive Technology 

Soc Rehab Asses - Specialised Education (Support) 

Soc Rehab Asses - Specialised Housing (Modifications) 

Soc Rehab Asses - Specialised Wheelchair and Seating 

Soc Rehab Asses – Support Needs Assessment  

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Service  

Spinal Injury Vocational Services 

TBI Residential Rehabilitation Service 

Training for Independence - Adult with other injuries 

Training for Independence - Adults with sensitive claims 

Training for Independence - TBI 

Training for Independence - Children and Young People 

Training for Independence Advisory Services 

Vocational Independence Occupational Assessment 

Vocational Rehabilitation Services. 

We’re doing our best to get these contract variations to you as soon as possible. Please note that you will need to have received, signed, and returned your contract variation by 20 November 2022 to allow you to bill for any services delivered on or after 1 December 2022 at the new rates. 

You'll also need to update your invoicing systems to reflect the new rates. If you continue to bill at the old rates for services on or after 1 December 2022, we won’t be able to backpay the difference. 

If you have any questions about the changes to your contract, please contact your Portfolio Advisor or Engagement and Performance Manager (EPM). 

Ngā mihi  

ACC Recovery Services

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