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Innovation Award Finalists Announced

11 Jun 2021 11:10 AM | Deleted user

The three finalists for this year's inaugural Innovation Award have been chosen, and all three presenting their innovations as part of the NZRA conference where one will be chosen as the overall winner.

Tim Young and the team from Disabled Person's Assembly submitted their 'Mahi Tika—Equity in Employment', a disabled-led employment programme for the Waitako region.

Matthew Bryson from Peke Waihanga–Artificial Limb Service submitted 'Te Pou Aropā Takitoru, a nation-wide coordinated peer support service for those adapting to limb loss.

Jo Nunnerley and her team submitted a therapeutic virtual reality tool for people who've experienced a traumatic brain injury—developed in collaboration with Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust, CerebralFix, University of Otago and Callaghan Innovation.

Each of the finalists will be profiled over the coming weeks, in the lead-up to the conference and will have 15 minutes to present their innovation at the conference. There are no rules for what this presentation should look like.

Finalists have been encouraged to choose a presentation approach that best conveys the innovation and helps them demonstrate that the innovation meets the award criteria.

The audience will determine the final winner of the 2021 Rehabilitation Innovation Award, judging against the award criteria. The winner will receive an additional $1000 to put toward activities of their choosing.

As a finalist, they will receive financial support of up to $1500 to attend the NZRA conference, He Mahi Tahi Tātou: Achieving Equity in Rehabilitation, 17-19 September 2021 in Rotorua. 

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